The-Anti Trump Manifesto, by Maritza Iberico


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Under the hands of an expert manipulator, we are losing what really makes America great, the concept of the “American Dream.”
We are at a crossroads. It is not a matter of partisan ideology, but common sense and about the will to preserve the principles of the United States of America. It seems like today the law has ended, and tyranny has begun. The government does not look like America, just as Trump. We must stop this insanity.This is a statement against Donald J. Trump. I am your everyday citizen, and I am standing up to him, expressing all my frustration at having him as our president, as the leader of the free world. So, let me be clear; this book is all about trashing Trump. This book is all about making a case for impeachment. It will be poetic justice. It will mean that at the end of this drama, the actors (the whistleblower, the witnesses, the Congressmen, and Senators; anyone who did the right thing), will be the heroes of this story. It will be America’s “all’s well that ends well,” as the Bard would say. We can only hope.

Independently published, 2020. ISBN: 9781655369292 / 9781655369292. Paperback. Good condition.

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